STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and the Arts. However, this method of teaching is much more than just pasting the initials of words.
A key element of STEAM is integration. Instead of independent teaching of disciplines, project and research learning is emphasized. The training is aligned with the way we work and solve problems in everyday life. This education is an exceptional way of learning.
Think, is there a profession in which only one branch of science should be used? Imagine an architect who uses only mathematics and its skill set to do his job. It would be interesting, wouldn't it? Scientific fields do not operate independently, but are practically intertwined. This is exactly what we want to teach children with our training, that branches of natural sciences can be learned and used together.
By adding the artistic field to the curriculum, we also included creative thinking. Art is not just painting and sculpting, but solving problems, integrating principles, or discovering and creating ingenious ways of presenting information.
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Source: https://www.steampoweredfamily.com/education/what-is-stem/